Understandable genetics at DNA level Thorpe-Vargas, Susan: Mapping Out The Dogs Genetic Future (90.6 kb) Preserving genetic variation Thorpe-Vargas, Susan: The Genetic Cul-de-sac. Dogs as an endangered species (96.4 kb) Thorpe-Vargas, Susan: The Shallow End of the Gene Pool (113 kb) Ethics for breeders Thorpe-Vargas, Susan: The Ties That Bind: Genetics & The Breeder (142 kb) Thorpe-Vargas, Susan: Breeder Ethics. (78.5 kb) Miscellaneous Thorpe-Vargas, Susan: What you get, is NOT necessarily what you see! (116 kb) Wachtel, Hellmuth: About Kennel Clubs responsibilities. (48.1 kb) © 2004 Kokonaisvaltaisen Koiranjalostuksen Tuki ry